Berries available on the farm

Black Currants
Ben Alder & Tiben
These berries are packed with vitamins and antioxidants!
We only have these pre-picked a limited number of days in July. Stay informed by checking our Season Update page, Instagram and Facebook stories, or by calling Kyle.

Red Currants
Red Currants are a very soft, tart berry packed full of antioxidants.
They are fun to pick but be prepared to take some time up close and personal with the bushes.

Duke Blueberries
These berries are tart and firm at the beginning of the season, and ripen into a sweet yet firm berry toward the end of the season.
Our U-Pick field is located within steps of parking, portable toilets/hand washing, and a playground for the kids.

Meeker Raspberries
These berries are easy to pick, big and juicy and are perfect in jam.
Each year we plant more of these high-demand berries. Be sure to come early for easy picking. New berries ripen each day but they do tend to be "picked out" by the end of the day.